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Sweets Kendamas × Kenholix Party Prism 70/30 -Purple-

6,600 JPY

About shipping cost

  • Light (70.0g-72.9g)

    6,600 JPY


  • Medium (73.0g-75.9g)

    6,600 JPY


  • Heavy (76.0g-77.9g)

    6,600 JPY


Sweets Kendamas × Kenholix Party Prism 70/30 -Purple- A special collab with Sweets Kendamas! The KENHOLIX x Sweets Kendamas “Party Prism 70/30” After much deliberation and working closely with Sweets, we are finally ready to release this special collab. KENHOLIX created the paint design and Sweets executed it beautifully in their signature pro clear. The Party Prism 70/30’s beautiful and mysterious “Prism Paint” bears a strong resemblance to the Sweets “Dino Egg”, which sold out instantly back on 2015. The paint gives off beautiful reflections and halo effects that change with the angle of the light! We have developed two color ways, Black and Purple. This is an “early bird gets the worm” situation, so we are sorry if we sell out before anyone has the chance to purchase. Sweets Kendamas × KENHOLIX「Party Prism 70/30」 Sweetsとの度重なる打ち合わせの末、ついに実現したスペシャルコラボモデル。 KENHOLIXがペイントデザインの要望を出して完成したプロクリア仕様の「Party Prism 70/30」は、’15にリリースされ即完売した「Dino Egg」をどことなく彷彿とさせながら怪しく輝くプリズムペイント!光の入る角度によって非常に美しい光の輪が現れます! カラーはBlack、そしてPurpleの2色展開。 購入を躊躇した瞬間、誰かに先を越されることは間違いなしの超限定モデルとなっております。必ずゲットすることを強くオススメします!

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